Donate to Sikh Helpline:
Empower Lives,
Make a Difference

Dear Supporters!

We invite you to join us in our mission to provide help, support, and hope to individuals in need by making a donation to Sikh Helpline. Your contribution plays a crucial role in empowering lives and making a lasting impact on our community.

Sikh Helpline is a registered charity dedicated to assisting individuals facing challenges within the Sikh community and beyond. We offer free, confidential, and non-judgmental support to those dealing with mental health issues, substance abuse, domestic violence, and other difficulties. Our compassionate team of volunteers works tirelessly to provide guidance, resources, and a listening ear to those in need.

"Generosity is the spark that ignites hope, compassion, and transformation. With each donation, we weave a tapestry of support, empowering lives and creating a brighter tomorrow."

The Power of Your Donation

There’s a lot riding on us

Your donation to Sikh Helpline directly contributes to transforming lives and creating a support network for those facing adversity. Here are some ways your contribution can make a difference:

Relationship Issue Guidance

Your donation enables us to offer support and guidance for individuals facing relationship challenges, helping them navigate difficult situations and make informed decisions.

Substance Abuse Programs

By donating, you contribute to our efforts to combat substance abuse, providing education, awareness, and rehabilitation programs to individuals and families affected by addiction.

Domestic Violence Assistance

Your support enables us to offer vital assistance to victims of domestic violence, ensuring their safety, providing legal guidance, and empowering them to break free from abusive situations.

Mental Health Support

Your donation helps us offer essential mental health support services, including counseling, helpline assistance, and resources to those struggling with their mental well-being.

Bullying Support

Your donation allows us to address bullying issues, offering guidance, resources, and intervention strategies to combat bullying and support victims.

Grooming Prevention

With your contribution, we can develop educational initiatives to raise awareness about grooming tactics, providing guidance and support to individuals at risk.

Every donation, no matter the amount, makes a meaningful difference.
Your generosity fuels our efforts to support and uplift those who need it most.

How To Donate

Donating to Sikh Helpline is simple, secure, and immensely rewarding. You can contribute in the following ways:

Make a One-Time donation PayPal Donation. 

1) Direct Bank Transfer

You can make a donation by setting up a Standing order using Online Banking Using the following details:

Natwest Bank – Queens Square Wolverhampton
Account Name: Sikh Helpline
Account Number: 38178877
Sort Code: 56-00-69

IBAN – GB03 NWBK 5600 6938 1788 77  ( internationally )

You can also post a check to 86 Birmingham St, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 4EB

2) Standing Order Form ( monthly donations )

Please Print out the following form and forward to your bank
Download Form (PDF)

Beyond The Event

The impact of the Sikh Helpline charity bike ride goes beyond the event itself. The funds raised during the ride are used to enhance the helpline’s infrastructure, support outreach programs, and expand services to reach more individuals in need. Additionally, the increased awareness generated by the bike ride encourages people to seek help when they face challenges, destigmatizing the act of reaching out for support.